Wednesday, December 29, 2010

All About Me...

The students created paper representations of themselves.  Then they wrote about themselves on the inside. I think these turned out great!

Soils and Worms

As part of our Soil study, we investigated worms.  Students had the opportunity to touch and observe a worm.  Then we placed them in a controlled environment.  We watched over weeks to see how the worms decomposed the leaves and changed the soil... When we "released" the worms months later...the container was empty.  We discovered some rich black soil and concluded that our worms decomposed themselves.

Some students LOVED the worms...

Others were not so sure...

Monday, December 27, 2010


I am so excited to join the "blogging" world!  I am looking forward to the opportunity to share our classroom activities with you.  Please visit often to see what's buzzing about in our class.